State of Data Engineering 2024 Q1

The current state of data engineering offers a plethora of options in the market, which can be challenging when selecting the right tool We are approaching a period where the traditional boundaries between between databases, datalakes, and data warehouses are overlapping. As always, it is important to think about what is the business case, then do a technology selection afterwards.

This diagram is simple, but merits some discussion.

Most companies in the small and medium data fields can get away with simpler architectures with a standard database powering their business applications. However it is when you get into big data and extremely large data do you want to start looking at more advanced platforms.

The Open Source Table Format Wars Revisited

A growing agreement is forming around the terminology used for Open Table Formats (OTF), also known as Open Source Table Formats (OSTF). These formats are particularly beneficial in scenarios involving big data or extremely large datasets, similar to those managed by companies like Uber and Netflix. Currently, there are three major contenders in the OTF space.

PlatformLinkPaid Provider
Apache Hudihttps://hudi.apache
Apache Iceberg
Databricks Via hyperscaler

Several announcements from AWS recently, lead me to believe of some more support of Apache Iceberg into the AWS ecosystem

AWS Glue Data Catalog now supports automatic compaction of Apache Iceberg tables

Every datalake eventually suffers from a small file problem. What this means is if you have too many files in a given S3 partition (aka file path), performance degrades substantially. To alleviate this, compaction jobs are run to merge files to bigger files to improve performance. In managed paid platforms, this is done automatically for you, but in the open source platforms, developers are on the hook in needing to do this.

I was surprised to read that now if you use Apache Iceberg tables, developers no long have to deal with compaction jobs. Now to the second announcement:

Amazon Redshift announces general availability of support for Apache Iceberg 

If you are using Amazon Redshift, you can do federated queries without needing to go through the hassle of manually mounting data catalogs.

In this video, you can watch Amazon talk about Iceberg explicitly in their AWS storage:session from re:Invent.

This generally leads me to believe that Apache Iceberg probably will be more integrated into the Amazon ecosystem in the near future.

Apache Hudi

Apache Hudi recently released version 0.14.0 which has some major changes such as Record Level Indexing

One Table 
Another kind of weird development which was announced right before Re:invent was the announcement of OneTable,

Microsoft, the Hudi team, and the Databricks team got together to create a new standard that serves as an abstraction layer on top of an OTF.  This is odd to me, because not too many organizations have these data stacks concurrently deployed.

However probably in the next couple years as abstraction layers get created on top of OTFs, this will be something to watch.

Amazon S3 Express One Zone Storage Class

Probably one of the most important but probably buried news from re:Invent was the announcement of Amazon S3 Express One Zone

With this, we can now have single digit millisecond access to data information to S3, which leads to a weird question of datalakes encroaching onto database territory if they now can meet higher SLAs. However there are some caveats with this as there is limited region availability, and it is in one zone so think about your disaster recovery requirements. This is one feature I would definitely watch.

Zero ETL Trends

Zero ETL is the ability for behind the scenes replication for Aurora, RDS, and Dynamo to replicate to Redshift.  If you have a use case where Slowly Changing Dimensions (SCD) Type 1 is acceptable, these are all worth taking a look at. From my understanding, when replication occurs, there is no connection penalty to your Redshift cluster. 
Amazon OpenSearch Service zero-ETL integration with Amazon S3 preview now available 
AWS announces Amazon DynamoDB zero-ETL integration with Amazon OpenSearch Service 
AWS CloudTrail Lake data now available for zero-ETL analysis in Amazon Athena

Spark/Glue/EMR Announcements

Glue Serverless Spark UI 

Now it is way easier to debug glue jobs as the Spark UI doesn’t have to manually be provisioned.

Glue native connectors: Teradata, SAP HANA, Azure SQL, Azure Cosmos DB, Vertica, and MongoDB

AWS Glue announces entity-level actions to manage sensitive data 

Glue now supports Gitlab and Bitbucket

Trusted identity propagation 

Propagate oauth 2.0 credentials to EMR


Announcing Amazon Aurora Limitless Database


It is exciting to see the OTF ecosystem evolve. Apache Hudi is still a great and mature option, with Apache Iceberg now being more integrated with the AWS ecosystem.

Zero ETL has the potential to save your organization a ton of time if your data sources are supported by it.

Something to consider is that major shifts in data engineering occur every couple of months, so keep an eye on new developments, as they can have profound impacts on enterprise data strategies and operations.

State of Data Engineering 2023 Q3

As we roll towards the end of the year data engineering as expected does have some changes, but now everyone wants to see how Generative AI intersects with everything. The fits are not completely natural, as Generative AI like Chat GPT is more NLP type systems, but there are a few interesting cases to keep an eye on. Also Apache Iceberg is one to watch now there is more first class Amazon integration.

Retrieval Augmented Generation (RAG) Pattern

One of the major use cases for data engineers to understand for Generative AI is the retrieval augmented generation (rag) pattern.

There are quite a few articles on the web articulating this such as

What is important to realize is that Generative AI is only providing the light weight wrapper interface to your system. The RAG paradigm was created to help address context limitations by vectorizing your document repository and using some type of nearest neighbors algorithm to find the relevant data and passing it back to a foundation model. Perhaps LLMS with newer and larger context windows (like 100k context) may address these problems.

At the end of the data engineers will be tasked more with chunking, and vectorizing back end systems, and debates probably will emerge in your organization whether you want to roll out your own solution or just use a SAAS to do it quickly.

Generative AI for Data Engineering?

One of the core problems with generative AI is eventually it will start hallucinating. I played around with asking ChatGPT to convert CSV to JSON, and it worked for about the first 5 prompts, but by the 6th prompt, it started to make up JSON fields which never existed. 
Things I kind of envision in the future is the ability to use LLMs to stitch parts of data pipelines concerning data mapping and processing. But at the moment, it is not possible because of this. 
There is some interesting research occurring where a team has put a finite state machine (FSM) with LLMs to create deterministic JSON output. I know that might not seem like a big deal, but if we can address deterministic outcomes of data generation, it might be interesting to look at

So far use cases we see day to day are 

1.      Engineers using LLMs to help create SQL or Spark code scaffolds 

2.      Creation of synthetic data – basically pass in a schema and ask an LLM to generate a data set for you to test 

3.      Conversion of one schema to another schema-ish. This kind of works, but buyer beware 

Apache Iceberg

Last year our organization did a proof of concept with Apache Iceberg, but one of the core problems, is that Athena and Glue didn’t have any native support, so it was difficult to do anything.

However on July 19, 2023 AWS quietly released an integration with Apache Iceberg & Athena into production 

Since then, AWS has finally started to treat Iceberg as a first class product with their documentation and resources 

Something to keep track of is that the team which founded Apache Iceberg, founded a company called which provides hosted compute for Apache Iceberg workloads. Their model is pretty interesting because what you do is give Tabular access to your S3 buckets and they will deal with ingestion, processing, and file compaction for you. They even can point to DMS CDC logs, and create SCD Type 1, and query SCD Type 2 via time travel via a couple clicks which is pretty fancy to me.

However if you choose to roll things out yourself, expect to handle engineering efforts similar to this

The Open Source Table Format Wars Continue

One of the core criticisms of traditional datalakes the difficulty to perform updates or deletes against them. With that, we have 3 major players in the market for transactional datalakes. 

PlatformLinkPaid Provider
Databricks Via hyperscaler
Apache Hudihttps://hudi.apache
Apache Iceberg

What’s the difference between these 3 you say? Well, 70% of the major features are similar, but there are some divergent features

Also don’t even consider AWS Governed Tables and focus on the top 3 if you have these use cases.

Redshift Serverless Updates 

There has been another major silent update that now Redshift Serverless only requires 8 RPUs to provision a cluster. Before it was 32 RPUs which was ridiculously high number

8 RPUs x 12 hours x 0.36 USD x 30.5 days in a month = 1,054.08 USD 

Redshift Serverless cost (monthly): 1,054.08 USD 

Ra3.xlplus – 1 node 

792.78 USD 

So as you can see provisioned is still cheaper, but look into Serverless if 

·         You know your processing time of the cluster will be 50% idle 

·         You don’t want to deal with the management headaches 

·         You don’t need a public endpoint 


Data Built Tool (dbt), has really been gaining a lot of popularity at the moment. It is kind of weird for this pendulum to be swinging back and forth as originally many years ago we had these super big SQL scripts running on data warehouses. That went out of fashion, but now here we are 

A super interesting thing that got released is a dbt-glue adapter.

That means you can now run dbt SQL processing on Athena now 

For those new to dbt feel free to check this out

Glue Docker Image

A kind of a weird thing, but I recently saw the ability to launch Glue as a local docker image. I haven’t personally tried this, but it is interesting

Zero ETL Intrigue

This is kind of an old feature, but Amazon rolled out in preview a Zero ETL method of MySQL 8.x to Redshift

This is pretty intriguing meaning SCD Type 1 views should be replicated without doing any work of putting data through a datalake. However it is still in preview, so I can’t recommend it until it goes into general release.